How much indulgence should one allow when on a holiday?
Don't be overly-restrictive
If you will be overly – restrictive, can’t get right goal, need to give a
favorite treat. Simply allow yourself a little indulgence, but watch out for
the quantity and the frequency. Having a small treat once in a while can be
rewarding to your weight loss experience. Cutting too much calories or food of
your favorite treats usually lead to increase in stress, followed to negative
hormone building. And cutting too much or fasting will harm your body.
There are studies and in the research says, when the person, give a
permission to eat to themselves may relieve the stress of weight management
goals and make you feel better some time. But the long term effects can give
lot of bad situations.
Best Way is to track your meal, while travelling and also
in holidays. Make sure your meal should be balanced always include grains,
vegetables, protein and fruits. This way you can control your craving and sugar
throughout the day.
the Final suggestion is to plan ahead , for your travelling or holiday and
timing of the month you want to eat, an unhealthy food, make sure try to eat
the food which you enjoy the most. This way you will get the maximum
satisfaction for the increased calories.
until you’re comfortable, not stuffed. Create a hunger and fullness meter in
your head using the number 1 through 10. 1 means that you are absolutely
famished and 10 means that you are stuffed. Try to stay around 4-8 throughout
the day. 4 meaning that you are feeling subtle feelings of hunger and 7 being
comfortably full.
to eat to your maximum hunger, don’t overstuff yourself. If you put overload on
your digestive track, it will slows down your process, and make you fat. Think
and eat not too big meals, fill your hunger by 70 %, and stop in one go. You
should not eat just because the food is in front of you. There is one very
necessary thing that always, eats food slowly while travelling give your
metabolic process a rest, and hydrate yourself in regular intervals.
Suggested By:
Professional, Nutritionist and Inventor of BMXStrength ® Technique of exercise,
Director of GFFI Fitness Academy)
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