Saturday, 7 November 2015

Secrets of a fit and healthy life: Study

Leading a fit and healthy lifestyle is a matter of choice similar to the other choices you make such as eating a cheese burst pizza or watching big bang theory over a cross fit session. One chooses as per his/her priority. 
Those who complain about extra flabes on the waist, heavy thighs, pot bellys, double chin etc etc, belong to the same CATEGORY as the ones who crib about how missing their workout spoils their day or how they are still short of one more protein meal of the day or how they hate the leg day but enjoy the soreness. 
The CATEGORY is called "HUMAN BEINGS"; the creature who is born with a brain to make intelligent decisions. Some decide to choose the easy way of complaining about how god has done injustice to them and some decide to workout their ways to find a better way of living. 

We have divided the "CATEGORY" in groups and conducted a research on the type of choices each group made about their health and fitness and their effects. What we found was revolutionary!!!

Group A was more prone to fall in the trap of fad diets, starvation, and magical quick weight loss routines. Many of them even relied on miracle medicines to loose weight overnight. The key finding of the research was that almost 80% people of this group wanted to avoid exercise because of their numerous reasons all of which can be collectively termed as "EXCUSE". 
The group was suffering from unhappiness about themselves, they were not-so-social, they had trouble fitting in their favorite clothes and they were on the threshold of getting serious health problems. 

Group B was rather active. For most of them exercise and eating healthy was more like a habit. It was no task for them to exercise for an hour and eat 5-6 small meals in day. They rather enjoyed their sessions. For some reasons if they could not go to the gym they ensured any type of physical activity such as cycling with the partner, playing badminton with kids, Yoga in the park, body weight training at home etc etc. A 112 Kg college going boy from this group did 100 jump squats and pushups at home because he could not make it to the gym due to extra classes one day. 
This group was the vibrant group, they were the main attraction of their respective social events, people likes to get friends with them and they were doing really good on the health front as well, 

A detailed study on both the groups revealed that unlike previous studies and researches genetics, body type, metabolic system, body's responding system etc were not the reasons of the poor health of group A, in fact there was something else which they lacked. A comparison between group A and B showed that the main reason of this poor performance was 3 major substances which were not found in group A. The unavailability of these very important substances forced the group A to make poor choices about their health. 
These very important substances are the new secrets of owning a fit and healthy life. These substance are Discipline, Commitment and Regularity. 

The takeaway from this research is to analyse whether you possess these substances or not. and choose which group you belong to. 

I am sure you get it.....

Stay Fit Stay Alive!!!

For more health advise mail me on or follow me on facebook .

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