Friday, 31 January 2014

Renal disease

End Stage Renal Disease (Esrd)

         Renal disease affects the kidney’s ability to filter out harmful components of metabolism, such as urea and other waste products.  This may happen because of long-standing diabetes mellitus or acute injury to the kidney itself.  Treatment options include dialysis of the blood, or transplantation.  There are, however, no medical reasons why renal patients cannot exercise, and research has demonstrated an improvement in the clearance of urea from tissues with fitness conditioning program.
       A major problem with almost all renal patients is their lowered tolerance for exercise, due to lower levels of hemoglobin (the molecule that carries oxygen into the cells) and a loss of some skeletal muscle function.  Most of the recent research studies have used low-level exercise testing and training programs for renal patients.

       Dialysis patients who choose a strength-training program should exercise at lower intensity, as their ability to tolerate exercise at high levels is also poor.  It is possible for renal patients to increase their fitness levels, although it is a slow process since renal patients’ peak heart rate is usually lower than age predicted values (according to ACSM).

       A prescription of strength-training program should incorporate preferably shortness of breath as an indicator of the patients progress during an exercise session.  Personal trainers should insure that members take in water throughout the exercise session.  It is also recommended that blood pressure be taken before, during and after exercise session.

       Contraindications for Exercise

         Training is not advised within a day of dialysis treatment or if there are any known electrolyte abnormalities. Also, if blood pressure is above 150/95-100 mm Hg, or if they anemic.  It must be remembered that patients suffering from diseases such as this will often by “worn down” from coping with the disease.  Common sense dictates that training program intensities be kept low.

       A sample training program might include the following exercises:

         The personal trainer should always assume full responsibility for controlling training intensity and keeping work output within reasonable norms.

Suggested By:
NEERAJ MEHTA, (Fitness Professional, Nutritionist and Inventor of BMXStrength ® Technique of exercise, Director of GFFI Fitness Academy)
Tel: +91-9811309667

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 GFFI Fitness Academy
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Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Increase concentration in Studies during examinations


Wednesday, 29 January 2014 | NEERAJ MEHTA

Class X and XII Board exams are a month away and for most students the stress and anxiety levels are running high. So they need to break the monotony and sedentary style of study. NEERAJ MEHTAsays that following an exercise regime, eating a healthy diet, keeping a good posture during study hours and sleeping for eight hours daily not only keeps the body agile, it also boosts the brain
Exams bring with them a strong sense of foreboding for most students who are going to take them. This is particularly the case when students enter the dreaded board examination years. This is when they suddenly realise that exams are a big thing. Such intense competition and pressure of securing an excellent performance tagged result put many of these little minds on the brink of pass through toilsome stressful situation. As a result what follows is a heightened anxiety level for the children. It can be very distressing and sometimes debilitating.
With the Board exams round the corner, it is important to break the monotony and sedentary style of study. Students need to exercise and correct their diet to improve their studies, to regenerate energy levels and increase the level of physical activity. By doing this, a student will be able to rise the level of concentration.
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Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Fitness Trainer Courses

Starting the GFFI Fitness Academy's new batch for:

·        Personal / Gym Trainer Course from 8th, march, 2014
·        Aerobic / Group Trainer Course from 8th, march, 2014
·        Pilates Instructor Certification Course from 20th February, 2014
·        “Power Yoga”- Workshop Course from 01stFebruary, 2014
·        “Cross Fit BMX ®” - Workshop Course from 2ndFebruary, 2014
·        SteelFlexx ® - Workshop Course from 15th, February, 2014
·        Kick Combat ® - Workshop Course from 16th, February, 2014

Registration open, one can enroll, first come first serve bases,                                     
Can call on for further query or registration +91-9811309667

Suggested by Neeraj Mehta, Fitness Expert and Director of GFFI Fitness Academy

Wednesday, 8 January 2014


BMXStrength ® (Biomechanics Friendly Exercise Technique)

It’s a technique based exercise routine, especially for “GYM Lovers” and any other person who is fighting because of not getting the right shape of his or her body.

Whatever equipments we used in old fashioned Gym Training, we can use the same equipment but with the understanding of the joint friendly moves and correct exercise techniques. The regular exercise will be done in such a way, where the movements are friendly with joints (connective tissue i.e. Ligament and Tendons). BMXStrength® is joint angular friendly so that whatever injuries are there in ligaments & muscle can be rehab and also by BMXStrength® one can prevent frequent injuries. Technique of contracting and relaxing the muscle is the key point of this technique, so energy consumed is very less, muscle target is 4 times where body become more strengthen and flexible without any strain, sprain or injury to the body. Suggested by: NEERAJ MEHTA, (Fitness Professional, Nutritionist and Inventor of BMXStrength ® Technique of exercise, Director of GFFI Fitness Academy)Website: http://www.gffi-fitness.orgFacebook Acount: account: neeraj.gffi@hotmail.comTel: +91-9811309667

Friday, 3 January 2014

Increase Your Exercise Routine

Gradually Increase your exercise routine

The Guidelines of exercise for any Physical Activity are general recommendations aimed at the general population. The Challenges with guidelines (these guidelines works on R&D of 70% people) are that they try to cover as many people as possible. In other words, they aren’t right for everyone. How much exercise you need depends on your genes, how much muscle and  fat you carry in the body, your diet and your bone structure with the frame of the body, how fit you are, and your capacity for exercise.
Some people, those who are out of shape, or those with disabilities may get as much benefit from 30 minutes of slower walking or other exercise as general or more fit people get benefit from the same amount of more-intense activity.

Hence to understand your body level, start you fitness routine, gradually, but try to challenge your body to your fitness level, only the challenge will give more results, because as your fitness level increases your light exercise or the same routine will lead you very less or no results. Increase your intensity as you grow with your fitness level, will lead better and continuous results. There are numerous ways to hit the intensity for example going for an all out sprint which will leave you breathless after say 40 seconds, in between your walk, using higher weights with less repetitions not allowing one to go beyond 5 to 6 reps, or using moderate weight with maximum repetitions. Another effective way is to take less rest between sets.

Suggested By:
NEERAJ MEHTA, (Fitness Professional, Nutritionist and Inventor of BMXStrength ® Technique of exercise, Director of GFFI Fitness Academy)
Tel: +91-9811309667

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 GFFI Fitness Academy
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