Sunday 23 October 2016

A high carbohydrate diet is essential for peak athletic performance

A high carbohydrate diet is essential for peak athletic performance 

(Refrred by International Fitness Therapist Neeraj Mehta)

A  high  carbohydrate  training  diet  is  a must  for  optimum  sports  performance  because  it  produces  the  biggest  stores  of  muscle  glycogen.  As  we  have  previously  described  ,  the  carbohydrate  we  eat  is  stored  in  the  body  in the  form  of  glycogen  in  the  muscles  and  liver .  a  small  amount  of  carbohydrate  (about  5 grams)  circulates  as  glucose  in  the  blood  .  when  you  are  exercising  at  a  high  intensity,  your  muscles  rely   on  glycogen  and  glucose  for  fuel.  Although  the  body  can  use  fat  when  exercising  at  lower  intensities ,  fat  cannot  provide  the  fuel  fast  enough  when  you  are  working  very  hard  .  the  bigger  your  stores  of  glycogen  and  glucose,  the  longer  you  can  go  before  fatigue  sets  in.
Unlike  the  fat  stores  in  the  body  ,  which  can  release  almost  unlimited  amounts  of  fatty  acids,  the  carbohydrate  stores  small.  They  are  fully  depleted  after  two  or  three  hours  of  strenuous  exercise.  This   drying   up  of  carbohydrate  stores  is often  called “hitting  the  wall.” The blood -  glucose  concentration  begins  to  decline  at  this  point .if  exercise  continues  at  the  same  rate,  blood  glucose  may  drop  to  levels  that  interfere  with  brain  function  and  cause  disorientation  and  unconsciousness .  some  athletes  refer  to  this  as  a hypo,  and  in  cycling  it is  known  as  bonking.
All  else  being  equal  , the  eventual  winner  is  the  person  with  the  largest  stores  of  muscle  glycogen .  any  good  book  on  nutrition  for  athletes will  tell you  how  to  maximize  your  muscle  glycogen  stores  by  ingesting  prior  to  the  competition.  In this chapter  we  provide  instructions  for  increasing  muscle  glycogen  as  well  as using  the  glycemic index  to  your  advantage  in  any  sports  situation.

Refrencec/ web links:
Why Athletes Need Carbohydrates | TrainingPeaks

Why are Carbohydrates Important for Athletes? - School Nutrition and ...

Carbohydrates are one of the most important nutrients needed in an athlete's diet.

High-Carbohydrate Diet Important For Young Athletes | MomsTeam › Nutrition Channel

Sports Nutrition: Eating for Peak Athletic Performance | UW Health ...

Sports and Nutrition: Fueling Your Performance | Center for Young ...

Sports Nutrition - Australian Sports Commission

What Is The Diet Of Top Athletes? -
Why carbohydrates are so important for athletes - Discover Good ...

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