Wednesday 26 October 2016

Why Eat Vegetables

Why Eat Vegetables 

(Refrred by International Fitness Therapist Neeraj Mehta)

More than a colorful garnish on your plate or crisp texture in a sandwich, vegetables are loaded with different nutrients and phytonutrients. Eat plenty of them to promote your overall health.

Key nutrients: Vegetables are important sources of many nutrients, including carbohydrates, vitamins A, C, and E, folate, potassium, and dietary fiber. Unless you add sauces and other seasonings, most vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories. None have cholesterol.
Different vegetables supply different nutrients that’s why you need variety! Dark green leafy vegetables are great sources of beta carotene (forms vitamin A), as well as vitamin C folate, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Deep orange vegetables, such as sweet potatoes and carrots, supply beta carotene. Others , such as Brussels sprouts, bell pepper and tomato, have more vitamin C. many are rich in folate. Besides their complex carbohydrates, starchy vegetables supply niacin, vitamin B6 ,Zinc, and protein, as well as thiamin, folate, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, and fiber.

Important health benefits: vegetables deliver a host of benefits. The vitamin C they contain not only helps to heal wounds and keep teeth and gums healthy, but also aids iron absorption. Their vitamin A keeps eyes and skin healthy and helps to protect against infections. Their vitamin E works as an antioxidant. Their folate helps form red blood cells, and helps prevent against some birth defects. Their potassium helps maintain healthy blood pressure. And their fiber has many roles: lowering total blood cholesterol and heart disease risk aiding digestion, reducing constipation and diverticulosis, and possibly filling you up with fewer calories.

Vegetables: How Much?

Veggies: how much? That depends on your, age gender, height and weight, and your level of physical activity. For 2,000 calories a day, the advice adds up to 2 ½ cups of vegetables a day most people come up short.
•Dark-green vegetables   3 cups per week
•Orange  vegetables        2 cups per week
•Dry beans and peas       3 cups per week
•Starchy vegetables         3 cups per week
•Other vegetables            6 ½  cups per week

Refrencec/ web links

Why do you need to eat vegetables everyday?

Health Benefits of Vegetables: Vitamins, Nutrients, Fiber

Nutrients and health benefits | Choose MyPlate

Top 10 Reasons to Eat MORE Fruits & Vegetables - Fruits & Veggies ... › Fruit & Veggie Info

5 reasons to eat more vegetables - Body & Soul

Fruit and vegetables - Better Health Channel

Why should you eat vegetables? - Eat the Veggies!

Do You Really Need to Eat Vegetables to Be Healthy? | Mark's Daily ... › Diet & Nutrition

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