Friday 23 December 2016

Whether to do Cardio daily or not?

Whether to do Cardio daily or not?

(Referred by International Fitness Therapist Neeraj Mehta)

Cardio exercises are extremely beneficial when done on a daily basis. It can lead to a plethora of health benefits like weight loss, fighting obesity, staying healthy, causing hormones to function properly. But research shows that excessive cardio can also be damaging to the body. The amount of exercise has to be moderated according to every individual’s body.
Cardio is basically any movement that gets the heart rate up and causes an increased circulation of blood through the body. Most individuals use cardio exercise to burn fat as it burns lot of calories. Due to fast movement the body has an increased need for energy and that results in burning of calories and hence fat loss.
Benefits ofCardio:
It has numerous benefits like improved heart health, increased metabolism, improved hormonal profile. It also gives a boost to the immunity of the body. Besides, these exercises also help to regulate the condition of diabetes.

Cardio can be bad for the health
Excessive cardiovascular exercise can have ill effects for the health too. Many professionals who are into physical training profession often experience this. Dancers, athletes, other sports professionals often end up overtraining their body which can lead to burn out of muscles and eventually muscle loss over a time period. But for them, it is like an occupational hazard. Since their profession demands that kind of training, they often go through such stages. With the help of health and fitness professionals, these problems can be overcome.
Even for those of you are not physical training professions, but need to work out to stay fit, which is absolutely essential, this thing might turn out to be true. The answer to the query lies in giving rest to your body.

Taking a day off!
Regular exercises demand proper rest and good amount of sleep. All of us have different body demands. We have to understand our bodies and figure out how much the body can endure. With gradual practice the endurance of the body can increase and then one can go on doing higher levels of cardiovascular exercises.

When we exercise the tissues in our body undergo stress and break. In order to heal them to do more in the following days the body needs to rest and that can be done by taking a day or two off. In that way, one can get better results and move progressively towards the physique and fitness that one is seeking.

References/ web links:

Fat Loss Fouls: 4 Cardio Mistakes You Might Be Making

Ask The Ripped Dude: How Much Cardio Is Too Much?

How Much Cardio You Should Do and How Much Is Too Much ...

Can You Do Cardio Exercise Every Day? › Sports and Fitness

Is It Better to Do Cardio or Strength Training First? - Daily Burn

Is It Bad to Do the Same Cardio or Strength Workout Everyday ... - Shape

Cardio Myths That Can Cause Weight Gain | Shape Magazine

How Much Cardio Should I Do To Lose Weight? How Much Is Too ...

The 10 Worst Cardio Crimes | SparkPeople

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