Saturday 9 November 2013

BMXStrength ® by Neeraj Mehta

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Fitness features foremost in Neeraj Mehta’s mind. He started martial arts training at the age of nine and became a national champion at the age of 12. Attaining a black belt at the age of 14 didn’t come as a surprise to anybody because by that time, he had already tasted success in most feats he attempted. As his life revolved around playing strength sports, games, martial arts and yoga, he started analysing his own movements in exercise. That lead him to developing Biomechanic Exercise (BMX), a rare exercise technique followed by bio-mechanics, in which movements are made according to your joints and connective tissues’ biological mechanism.

“I introduced
BMXStrength 15 years ago in India and have trained over 6,000 trainers and more than 50,000 people. The results of BMX are four times faster than old systems of exercise and they enhance sports-specific skills and physical strength for day-to-day tasks,” says Mehta, who has since patented the therapy.

To undertake the research for BMX, it was crucial for h…..

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