Friday 15 May 2015

“Yoga for life” By Neeraj Mehta

“Words fail to convey the value of Yoga, It has to be experienced” said the yogic Guru B.K.S. Iyengar. Being a Yoga practitioner since last 15 years I could not agree more.  Practicing Yoga is indeed a wonderful experience which needs to be felt, words alone are not sufficient to elaborate the same. I introduced Iron Yoga in India 10 years ago with a belief of letting everybody get benefitted from this ancient practice. However, to tell you the truth I was not always a fan. When I started my practice I had several doubts and question about its effects.
One of my friends from weight training sessions joined this Yoga class and he started mentioning about it to everybody. I remember he used to go on and on about how he felt after the session. He mention something about a magical aura. he was so influenced by this practice that he wanted everybody to experience it. And one day he booked classes for me and I had no choice but to go. Since I was in to Martial Arts, I was used to of intensive training sessions. A 40 minutes session of Yoga stretches did not appeal to me at first. But for friendship’s sake I decided to go.
I went for the session with a timer on my watch (Literally). I stepped in, there were 12 more people with yoga mats. All were waiting for the instructor. At 8:00 sharp instructor entered and the class started. He started from the light stretches and moved on to intensive ones. Half an hour later I was all wet with sweat, my muscles were all pumped up and I realized that I was actually enjoying the session. But that’s not it. After the stretches came the meditation part. It was such a blissful experience. I was able to feel my each inhale and exhale move. I was feeling the air going inside every nerve and coming out of it. I was feeling the magical Aura.
When the session got over I felt different. When I looked up instructor was looking at me with a soft smile. He knew what I was feeling. That very moment I committed to practice regularly. And since then I have been practicing Yoga on a regular basis.
Yoga helps you in various ways. It regulates your internal system, sets the path for recovery from any disease. It improves your blood circulation, brings more oxygen to your cells. It is extremely effective in body conditioning, increasing flexibility, building muscle strength. It composes your mind, improves your mind-body coordination, increases your concentration power. Yoga can make your life better in so many ways.
But you don’t have to believe me. Try it for yourself and see what you think. That’s the yogic way.
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