Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Food which can help you to get rid of depression and anxiety before your wedding

You are all involved in planning and arrangements for your big day. Too much work is still pending, you are missing your better half and you are counting days when both of you will be together for ever, . Well it is all part of the process and you are really taking care of everything but one thing which is not right here is the amount of stress you are putting in your head.

Getting stressed about a particular situation is not the solution anyways, along with that you are getting many negative effect on your body and skin. Eating healthy foods can help you fight anxiety and stress. That famous phrase “You become what you eat” makes a lot of sense. Your diet has a very important role in fighting depression. When feeling low you tend to eat more. Instead of eating without looking at the size of the plate try these high nutritional foods when experiencing a mood swing.

1.   Cashews-   These are rich source of Zinc. If your body has lower level of zinc it may cause anxiety. Since our body can’t store Zinc in any form, it is essential that zinc should be a part of your daily diet. Cashews can be good snacks, but in limited quantity as they are little high in calories.

2.   Walnuts
Walnuts are a plentiful source of Omega-3 fatty acids, which id popular for reducing stress and anxiety. Omega 3 is proven to be helpful in improving your overall brain’s health. It also reduces the chances of brain aging thus reduces the chances of memory loss.

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