Monday, 14 December 2015

For a body in balance

Have you ever felt that one of your biceps is bigger than the other? Or while admiring your marvellous packs and enormous chest in the mirror have you noticed that you have rounded shoulders? Or do you feel that you have an excessively arched back?

If any of these is true then you are facing muscle imbalances and you may have a bad posture, strength imbalance and bad movements. Muscle imbalances increase your odds of getting chronic pain and injury.
For example, if you have a desk job that requires long sitting hours then you are likely to use your mirror muscles such as chest and abs more. Not to forget that you are not doing anything to strengthen your opposing muscles, that is back muscles. Over time this may result in rounded shoulders and an excessively arched back. This imbalance is one of the main reasons of chronic back and neck pain.
Many exercisers also experience muscle imbalances when they ignore the biomechanics of the body. Our body is designed to move in a bio mechanic biomechanical way. Each movement that your body does requires a balance in the measure of force and strength between the primary and opposite sets of muscles that surround joints. This balance is important to keep the joint biomechanically mobilised, stabilised as well as pain-free.
Muscle imbalance means that a particular set of muscles is weaker than the muscles in the opposing side. Due to incorrect biomechanics, the stronger set dominates over time and the weaker set begins to lack strength. This overuse of one set of muscles greatly influences the power balance around the joints and interferes with the “bio mechanic movement”.
Take the example of quadriceps and hamstring muscles. Both these sets of muscles perform the task of balancing the knee joint. If any of the muscles begin to dominate then there would be an undue amount of stress on the knee joint. Your routine movements such as walking or running will get affected — something that you might not notice at first but could over time.
These imbalances can be cured as well as prevented if you incorporate BMXStrength technique in your exercise. The technique greatly focuses on moving your primary as well as opposing muscles during any movement. It involves the relaxed contraction of muscles so there is no chance of developing stiffness. When all your muscles are equally flexible and strong, the mobility and stability of the respective joints would be in their best shape.
As prevention
* Focus on correct posture and correct movements as per your biomechanics.
* You should learn to keep your body centrally balanced during any movement; this is one of the key ways to avoid injury and pain.
* Never compromise on your technique while lifting heavy weights.
As cure
* Train your weaker muscles individually. For instance, if you can lift 10 kg with one biceps but 7 kg with the other one, then gradually increase the weight intensity with the weaker bicep.
* Involve stretching in your routine to improve the flexibility in already stiff muscles.
It is important to incorporate bio mechanic movements in your routine life as well.
* You should learn to sit keeping our back straight.
* Never lock your knees while standing. Locking your knees is actually the hyperextension of the knee joint which leads to degeneration.
* Always walk keeping your body centrally balanced. Never drag your feet while walking.
* If you have a desk job then adjust the height of the chair so that you can sit with a relaxed and straight back. Walk or do stretches every hour to release stress from the back.

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