Thursday 5 December 2013

Benefits of warm-up

Benefits of warm-up
Neeraj Mehta

Permits graduals increase in metabolic requirements (oxygen consumption), which will improve cardiovascular and aerobic performance.
Prevents the premature onset of lactic acid accumulation and fatigue in higher intensity aerobic activity.
Causes a gradual increase in muscle temperature, which decreases the work contraction and reduces the likelihood of muscle injury.
Facilitates neural transmission for motor unit recruitment.
Improves coronary blood flow in early stages of the conditioning exercise, lessening the potential for myocardial ischemia (oxygenated blood deprivation to tissue).
Provides a screening mechanism for potential musculo-skeletal metabolic problems that may increase at higher exercise intensities.
Provides a psychological warm-up to higher levels of work.

Suggested By:
NEERAJ MEHTA, (Fitness Professional, Nutritionist and Inventor of BMXStrength ® Technique of exercise, Director of GFFI Fitness Academy)
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