Thursday 12 December 2013

Myths and Facts of Fitness

Neeraj Mehta (Fitness Professional)
1. Myth: Fat person has more fat cells in the body?

Fact: The difference between obese people and thin people isn’t the number of fat cells, it’s the size of these cells. You have the same number of fat cells you had as an adolescent. The only difference is that the globules within each cell increases as you store more fat.

2. Myth: One can lose weight just by cutting calories or diet.

Fact: When you lose weight without exercise, you lose both muscle and fat, but when you gain weight without exercise, you gain only fat. It’s much easier to gain fat weight, than it is to gain weight. Dieting or fasting would seem to be the quickest way to lose fat. But for every pound you lose, 60% of muscle and only 40% is fat, so this is not a good idea for losing the weight.

3. Myth: Eating and Training provides energy to muscles.

Facts: Actually muscles require an ample supply of blood during training, since a lot of the pump you experience is form blood swelling up your muscles. But if the digestive system is also using excess amount of blood to digest a big meal, there won’t be enough to go around and your muscle will suffer for it. Training with a full stomach can be a very unpleasant experience. You feel bloated, sluggish and slow and a really hard set can make you feel nauseated. The body metabolizes food at different rates. It takes from 2 to 6 hours for the stomach to empty it contents. Foods rich in carbohydrates digest first followed by protein foods, fatty foods are the last to leave.

4. Myth: We burn fat in the fat-burning zone.

Fact: Fat Burning Zone is 60 -70 % of MHR. The fat-burning zone is a concept that the body burns a greater amount of fat at lower-intensity aerobic exercise than it does at higher intensities. Actually, the body burns a greater percentage of fat at lower intensities than at higher intensities. At lower intensities the body may burn 50 percent of the calories from fat, while at higher intensities it may only burn 35 percent. But at higher intensities you burn way more total calories-and more fat calories overall-than you do at lower intensities. Because time matters a lot, with high intensity you utilizing more calories in short duration, but low intensity takes more time for utilizing calories. And more over in high intensity you use your muscles, for which they require recovery, hence utilize fat, after the session also.

 5. Myth: To get a flat stomach do lots of crunches

Fact: You can have strong abdominal muscles but if there is a layer of fat on top, you won't be able to see a flat, toned stomach. Unfortunately we can't target fat loss in specific areas of the body. To get a toned, flat ab area, reduce the number of calories you consume, do a variety of exercise to burn calories and fat and also can add a variety of core exercises and sprints for shred out fat fast.

6. Myth: Running will boost your metabolic rate than weight training.

Fact: Slow Running can boost your metabolic rate to very low extent, and you can loss muscle mass by doing long distance running. Lack of strength training exercise results in less muscle, followed by reduced metabolic rate, which reduces energy needs and results in more calories stored in fat cells. One gram of muscle requires 7 calories per day to retain in the body, but 1 gram of fat requires only 2 calories to maintain.

7. Myth: Time spent in exercise plays role for result.

Fact: Only Right intensity and right diet will provides better results. You can increase your intensity by cutting down your resting period between the exercises or by increasing numbers of repetition and also by increasing the weight, along with the right combination of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Suggested By:
NEERAJ MEHTA, (Fitness Professional, Nutritionist and Inventor of BMXStrength ® Technique of exercise, Director of GFFI Fitness Academy)
Tel: +91-9811309667

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