Thursday 12 March 2015

Love It, Hate It - But Exercise You Must

“Love It, Hate It - But Exercise You Must” says Fitness Expert Neeraj Mehta

Putting off the gym session or avoiding your yoga teacher won't get you too far. Says Delhi-based fitness expert, Neeraj Mehta: 'Exercise is a nobrainer when it comes to mental well being. Indulging in a workout releases feel-good hormones called endorphins and when these enter your brain, they trigger positivity.

Researchers have found that a bout of exercise might be better than a cup of coffee in improving focus and cognitive performance.' If you're someone who frets the small stuff, count on yoga because of its ability to cut stress like no other workout regime. 'When you practice yoga postures, deep breathing helps fill the lungs with a fresh gust of oxygen. This has a very potent impact on the nervous system. Yoga also relieves muscle stiffness and stress. Since they both have a two-way relationship, one leads to the other. Here's where yoga comes in to enhance physical and psychological health,' says Neeraj.

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