Tuesday 6 January 2015

Burning fat v/s calories BY nutritional & Fitness Expert Neeraj Mehta

ARE YOU BURNING FAT OR ARE YOU JUST BURNING CALORIES?? Let us examine a situation which many of us may have come across where two men having the same weight and height appear totally different, even though they may have near to same caloric intake. One looks leaner than the other who may yet have visible flab. What is the reason behind this difference? It is THE BODY FAT content. Then is it really the reduction in calories or the fat loss that makes their bodies look so different.  I am not saying that one can go all out and gorge on those brownies and sodas and yet look in shape. But what I vouch for is that it is the fat loss which is of key importance than cutting down calories. And yes certainly calories control is a boosting factor in maintaining weight and loosing fat and looking fabulous.

Follow Neeraj Mehta on https://www.facebook.com/BMXStrength

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