Monday 12 January 2015

"Sweat doesn't reduce your weight" by Fitness Expert Neeraj Mehta

Facts for sweat:

·       When you sweat, you lose water weight.

·       Sweating while exercise only can metabolize your fat, but it’s not when you are not exercising

·       Sweating from hard exercise helps you lose weight by increasing your BMR.

·       Wearing a plastic suit for exercise, for more sweat can put you at risk for heat exhaustion or heatstroke.

·       Too much sweat, while exercising can put in dangerous conditions that can cause symptoms ranging from headache and dizziness to a weak, rapid heartbeat.

·       Dangerous of getting too much sweat, can loss essential nutrition’s from the body.

·       Sweat is body’s natural air-conditioner. The harder you train, the more you will sweat and also can detoxify your body.

Follow Fitness Expert & Nutritionist Neeraj Mehta on Twitter

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