Wednesday 28 January 2015

"Workout is a life style" by Fitness Expert Neeraj Mehta

Being Fit is not a destination, it is a way of life. Exercising is way more than just bodybuilding , it is a lifestyle. If you really think about a session and compare it with the way you should live your life you can find a lot of similarities. Exercising demands discipline, You need discipline in your life too. Exercising demands hard work to achieve your goals, no shortcut. Same with life, or shall I say same goes for long lasting success in life. Exercising makes you push your limits beyond your capabilities and that is how you get results; isn't it same with life too? Working out is a journey , where in only you are your partner. In life as well, most of the choices have to be made by you, ALONE.
When you are working out , you are not just lifting weight, you are disciplined, working hard, pushing your limits, learning to smile in pain, promising yourself to come back again with more strength, learning not to give up. You experience every such thing in life too.
You get compliments when you get results on your body, people admire you, they want to be like you, but nobody really knows how much you have put in to become someone like YOU. In life too, people will know you for what you have become, they will appreciate you for your success but nobody is really interested in the journey you have been through to get there.
So next time when you lift, remember you are not here just to build muscles, Its a life lesson which you ll be taking for the next hour...

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