Wednesday 14 January 2015

"Tips to build a ripped muscular body" by Celebrity Fitness Expert Neeraj Mehta

Suggestion for Exercise:

  • If someone really want to get ripped you need to cut down your cardio workout, because this will lose your muscle mass.
  • Concentrate on developing a solid base of core strength (abdominals and lower back).
  • Choose a weight that will allow 8-10 repetitions to build muscle endurance, and muscular strength, for 3-4 sets for major muscle group per exercise.
  • Balance resistance-training program by completing equal number of sets and repetitions with opposing muscle groups. Emphasize the weaker muscle groups, especially the back and hamstring muscle groups.
  • Squats and dead life are the best possible exercises for toning your entire body from head to toe.
  • Ones a week you can add Plyometric Training to increase your calories expenditure. Plyometrics is designed for individuals with a high level of fitness and is a type of anaerobic interval training. It is the ability to work farther into anaerobic metabolism before lactic acid builds and the exercise is over.

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